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Julia Duarte



Our Partnership with DBAT-Lewisville

For the past year, Brave has maintained a partnership with VFG Sports Performance, the ownership group for multiple D-BAT (Lewisville, Waco and SE Arkansas) indoor baseball and softball training facilities . Many conversations with the ownership team of Cory Legner and Dan Ortmeier, their staff, and athletes have helped grow and strengthen our relationship: directly affecting our company direction and product. Valor could not have become what it is today without their feedback and continued support.

Our Partnership with DBAT-Lewisville

D-BAT Lewisville’s use of Valor: Beginning with the Weight Room

Early into our relationship, we realized that our values aligned: D-BAT Lewisville also envisions Valor as a tool to map and understand the motion of the human body. Currently, the three Valor suits being housed in D-BAT Lewisville’s facility are used by athletes of all ages in their weight room, batting cages, and bullpens.

Aaron Corwin, The Program’s Director of Sports Performance at D-BAT Lewisville believes that improvement begins in the weight room. In the weight room, Aaron takes multiple mobility assessments of male and female athletes with Valor to identify key movements that are not normally visible while pitching or hitting. With Valor, slow, exaggerated movements in strength and conditioning practice translates into readily available data for coaches to share with their athletes.

“He wants to look at areas such as an athletes’ knee angle: is it bending properly? Does it bend enough? What is the angle at which the knee is bending?” said Dhyey Parikh, Brave’s COO, in an interview. Dhyey has worked closely with Aaron as they co-created Valor.

Aaron’s research background has informed his use of Valor. He understands that if an individual’s range of motion is limited at a certain joint, it can prevent them from doing certain exercises or stop them from even getting onto the field to play. Even a

simple deviation in hip rotation

can cause major injuries for the athlete, resulting in years of surgery and physical therapy. Therefore, Valor to Aaron is a tool to understand motion to enhance performance, but also to prevent future injury.

By combining the data collected in the assessments conducted in the weight room, as well as in the batting cages and bullpens, Aaron wants to understand the fundamental biomechanics of an athlete completely. He looks forward to creating a curriculum where he takes assessments in all three facility areas and helps athletes improve their movement.

“Valor gives us the capability to slow down full movement patterns in 4D motion while also providing game changing analytics. Understanding how an athlete moves, where their strengths and weaknesses are, and how we can improve their sports specific movements is going to revolutionize the way we are able to assess and train athletes to not only increase performance, but help decrease the risk of injury. Valor solidifies what we are doing in the weight room and has an immediate impact on an athlete's on field performance,” said Corwin.

In summary, D-BAT Lewisville has seen many benefits in their training experience since the introduction of Valor. Besides revolutionizing their baseball practice, Valor does so in a time-effective way. Only taking 12 minutes to conduct all mobility assessments for upper and low bodies of athletes, Aaron and others are happy with the easy-to-use technology.

D-BAT Lewisville’s use of Valor: Beginning with the Weight Room

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